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Apples with Candied Magic of Autumn

Apples with Candied Magic of Autumn

A traditional dessert that captures the essence of fall is candied apples. These sparkling, sweet, crunchy, and easy to make treats are a hit at Halloween parties and fall festivals. They are a timeless favorite for both children and adults because of the vivid, glossy coating, which produces an appealing combination of sour apple and sugary shell.


Six medium-sized apples (Honeycrisp or Granny Smith work well)
Two cups of powdered sugar
half a cup of light corn syrup
three-quarters cup water
Half a teaspoon red food coloring, or any other color you like
Six wooden sticks, such as popsicle or craft sticks


1. Get the apples ready: Thoroughly wash the apples to get rid of any wax or residue that can make it difficult for the candy coating to adhere. Let them air dry entirely. Make sure a wooden stick is securely inserted into the top of each apple.

2. Organize the Candy Station: To stop the apples from sticking once they are coated, lightly grease and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

3. To prepare the Candy Coating, mix the sugar, corn syrup, and water in a medium-sized saucepan. Over medium heat, stir the mixture until the sugar completely melts. Put an end to stirring and let the mixture to a boil once the sugar has dissolved.

4. Add Food Coloring: To give the candy coating its distinctive red color (or any other color you like), add food coloring to the boiling syrup. After giving it a little stir, let it cook some more. Keep an eye on the mixture's temperature with a candy thermometer; once it reaches 300°F, the mixture is ready to harden. This will produce the crisp, shining finish on the candy.

5. Coat the Apples: Take the pan from the heat as soon as the candy is the proper temperature. Gently tip the pot and submerge every apple in the syrup, rotating it to ensure even coating. After letting the extra drip off, arrange the coated apples on the baking sheet that has been ready.

6. Allow the apples to harden and cool for a minimum of half an hour before serving. Your apples are ready to eat when the caramel shell hardens!

Tips for Success:
Personalize the coating by mixing in some edible glitter, crushed almonds, or sprinkles for an interesting touch!
Use a thermometer for candy. Temperature control is crucial for achieving the ideal hard-crack stage, which is what gives the crisp candy shell its texture.
Storage: For the greatest texture, store the apples in a cold, dry area and eat them within one to two days.
These candied apples will bring a touch of sweetness to your fall celebrations and are sure to be a favorite with friends and family!